
Fakta om udbudet

Offentligt udbud


Nationalpark Vadehavet

Market Trends – Nature as a Driver for Sustainable Tourism and Local Development

Nationalpark Vadehavet

OpgavebeskrivelseDescription of the project
This procurement procedure comprises:

Interreg Vb, North Sea Region, project PROWAD LINK was approved end of June 2018. The 14 partners in the project from Norfolk (UK), Geiranger (Norway) and Wadden Sea (Denmark, Germany, Netherlands) are working on 6 work packages, where work package 6 (WP6) focus on development of sustainable tourism and experiences with nature as a driver for development. The project uses the NBBC-model (Nature Based Benefit Cycle), where sustainable development - economic, socio-cultural and nature-environmental viability – is a premise.

To qualify the co-creation work with developing new sustainable tourism products, experiences and services a desk research is needed to show the trends in the markets for nature based tourism. The desk research shall contribute to the projects priorities in the development process according to marketing and innovation / product development and furthermore it should give input to the value and brand activation for nature destinations e.g. national parks, where nature is the driver for growth.

The actual description and the requirements of the tendered project appear from the enclosed specification of requirements.
Annonceret6. februar 2019 13:00:00 CET
Deadline7. marts 2019 12:00:00 CET
UdbudstypeMindre danske udbud
UdbudsformOffentligt/åbent udbud
CPV kode85312320
Skønnet kontraktsum168 000,00

Dokumenter & materiale

Link til udbudsmaterialehttps://nationalparkvadehavet.dk/udvikling-og-samarbejde/udbudsmateriale/prowad-link-market-trends/

Tildelings- og udvælgelseskriterier

TildelingskriterierØkonomisk mest fordelagtige bud
Uddybning af tildelingskriterierTender evaluation

Award criterion
The supplier is selected on the basis of the award criterion: Best price quality ratio (the financially most advantageous tender).

The evaluation of the financially most advantageous tender will be based on the criteria below with the weighting stated:

1. Total price 50 %

• The tenderer must provide a fixed price for the job in EUR excluding VAT.

The total price offered may not exceed EUR 22,500.00.
• The budget includes:
• Time for production of report
• Time for meetings and presentation
• Transportation and accommodation in relation to meetings

• The budget does not include:
• Translation of report
• Meeting costs

• The tenderer must provide a fixed hourly rate for the purchase of additional tasks
• The criterion will be assessed on the total hourly rate which will be calculated as: fixed total price for the job + fixed hourly rate x 10 hours. The bidder must not make the calculation, but simply state a price for the job and an hourly rate for the option excluding VAT.
• The tender price will be converted to points following a non-linear model, where the tender with the lowest price will be given 9 points, and the other tender prices will be converted to points using the following formula:
the tenders’ point = 9 * lowest price /the tenders’ price

2. Project solution 30 %

• Description of procedure, quality assurance, methodology and schedule for implementation of the specific project.
• When assessing the criterion, emphasis will be placed on the fact that the proposal for project solution is well thought through. There must be a clear project plan and well-defined delimitation of how the task must be solved. The tenderer must relate to how the existing literature is put into play, ie. how knowledge is collected and selected (selection criteria).

3. Staff-related qualifications 20 %

• CVs must be enclosed as documentation.
• Professional competencies and relevant experience of the employees who will be responsible for completing the specific project, with particular emphasis on the project manager. Point model
On evaluation, it is estimated how many points each tender should have for each of the quality sub-criteria, using the following absolute point scale of 1 to 9:

9 Best possible compliance with the criterion
8 Excellent/superior compliance with the criterion
7 Good/highly satisfactory compliance with the criterion
6 Above average compliance with the criterion
5 Average /satisfactory compliance with the criterion
4 Below average compliance with the criterion
3 Less satisfactory compliance with the criterion
2 Inadequate compliance with the criterion
1 No compliance with the criterion or minimum requirements

When the tenders have been received, a specific evaluation will be made of the tenders received, and on this basis it is decided which tenderer has submitted the economically most advantageous tender.
UdvælgelseskriterierSuitability criteria

Conditions of participation, the tenderer's own situation
The Contracting Authority will evaluate the tenderer's suitability to perform the tendered contract. The suitability evaluation may comprise the tenderer's own situation, financial and economic suitability and technical suitability.

The tenderer's financial and economic suitability
The tenderer shall present the following proof of its financial and economic suitability:

1. A statement to the effect that no significant changes in the business's financial situation have occurred since its most recently approved financial statements. A statement by the bank, auditor, the business's managing director or financial manager shall be made under penalty of the law.
The statement should be issued for this procurement procedure, so it should be dated after the date of publication of the advertisement. The statement shall comment on the financial situation of the business in the period from the most recently approved financial year until the statement is issued. For listed companies, an exemption may be granted for such statement, as the company may refer to the current financial situation at the stock exchange.

If the tenderer is unable to present the required proof, the tenderer shall seek to otherwise prove its economic and financial suitability by submitting appropriate documents. In such case, the tenderer shall refer to the circumstance relied on by the tenderer as valid grounds for not presenting the required documents.

The tenderer's technical and professional suitability
The tenderer shall enclose the following as means of proof of its technical and professional suitability:

1. The business's references. A maximum of five references shall be enclosed for projects similar to the tendered contract, which the tenderer has completed within the tendered area in the last three years as from the date of publication of the advertisement. The reference list shall include the following information:

• A brief description of the project and its relevance with respect to the tendered project;
• statement of the business that obtained the reference (this is only a requirement if the reference is based on a sub-contractor, or if it is provided in connection with a consortium);
• the contact person at the business/public institution for which the project was carried out;
• the contract period; and
• the contract value.

If the tenderer is unable to present the required documentation of references for a valid reason, e.g. that the business in a new operator in the area concerned, the tenderer shall seek to otherwise prove its technical capacity by submitting appropriate documents. In such case, the tenderer shall also refer to the circumstance relied on by the tenderer as valid grounds for not presenting the required documents.

The Contracting Authority reserves the right to contact the references stated to check the content of the references stated.


NavnAnne Husum Marboe
Telefon+45 72543651


NavnNationalpark Vadehavet
AdresseHavnebyvej 30
6792 Rømø
Telefon+45 72543634

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